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Items where Author is "Fahmi, Reza"

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Number of items: 67.

Fahmi, Reza (2022) Contribution of Islamic psychology in the development of the latest study: the relationship of student perception with interest on the issue contemporary civilization. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY.

Fahmi, Reza (2022) Hardiness on women post divorce. KAFA’AH JOURNAL, 12 (1). ISSN 2356-0630

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) Implementation of STEM e-module with SDGs principle to improve science literacy and environment-friendly attitudes in terms of gender. JURNAL TADRIS KIMIYA, 7 (1). ISSN 2527-9637

Fahmi, Reza (2022) Moderation of Islam ala Pesantren. RESEARCH GATE.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) Pengembangan e-modul fisika berbasis model trait treatment interaction terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis. NATURAL SCIENCE: JURNAL PENELITIAN BIDANG IPA DAN PENDIDIKAN IPA, 8 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) STEM-based e-module integrated local wisdom of rice stem fertilizers on students’ critical and creative thinking. AL-TA’LIM JOURNAL, 29 (1). ISSN 2355-7893

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) STEM-based global warming e-book in sustainable development based on gender view. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 5 (2). ISSN 2615-8639

Fahmi, Reza (2022) Students perception on Islamic psychology and interest of the issue on contemporary civilization. 4TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE FOR MUSLIM SCHOLARS (AnCoMS).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) Students perception on the issue of contemporary civilization. ANNUAL CONFERENCE FOR MUSLIM SCHOLARS.

Fahmi, Reza (2022) Workshop model-model pembelajaran interaktif kepada guru sekolah dasar di Banda Aceh. MARTABE: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT, 5 (3). ISSN 2598-1226

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2021) Pengembangan e-learning berbaris inquiry terbimbing berbantuan aplikasi Edmodo terhadap keterampilan abad-21 peserta didik. NATURAL SCIENCE: JURNAL PENELITIAN BIDANG IPA DAN PENDIDIKAN IPA, 7 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza (2021) Re thinking of Islamic thought: moderation of Islam in arts performance. ANALISIS: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN, 20 (2). ISSN 2502-3969

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2021) The effect of students’ perception on educational tourism and self-fulfilment. CENDEKIA: JURNAL KEPENDIDIKAN DAN KEMASYARAKATAN, 19 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2021) The self-efficacy and stress symptoms in schools. DAYAH: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, 4 (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Development of entrepreneurship module for improving santri self-fulfilment of Gontor 3 Moderns Islamic Boarding School, East Java. ATLANTIS PRESS, 504.

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Indonesia-China relationship: the political identity and social conflict in Padang, West Sumatera - Indonesia. TECHNIUM SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL, 13. ISSN 2688-7798

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Pendayagunaan kekuasaan pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh era Illiza Sa’adudin Djamal dalam mewujudkan Kota Madani. JOURNAL OF GOVERNANCE AND SOCIAL POLICY, 1 (2). ISSN 2723-3758

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Pengembangan keterampilan kolaborasi melalui penerapan modul interaktif berbasis TTI. NATURAL SCIENCE: JURNAL PENELITIAN BIDANG IPA DAN PENDIDIKAN IPA, 6 (2). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Re-thinking of Islamic thought: moderation of Islam in arts performance. ANALISIS: JURNAL STUDI KEISLAMAN, 20 (2). ISSN 2502-3969

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Self-esteem and bullying behaviour among junior high school students. UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI IMAM BONJOL PADANG.

Fahmi, Reza (2020) Students’ self-efficacy and school stress symptoms at Private Elementary School Muallimin. ATLANTIS PRESS, 504.

Fahmi, Reza (2020) The conflict of interest about gender paradigm in West Sumatera. AR-RANIRY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES.

Fahmi, Reza (2020) The correlation study about positive thinking and behaviour forgiveness amongs students. JURNAL AL-AQIDAH: JURNAL ILMU AQIDAH FILSAFAT, 12 (2).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The correlation study about prejudice and social conflicts on Islam Nusantara in Padang. JURNAL ILMIAH ISLAM FUTURA, 2 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The relationship between perception and social conflict in society: Islam Hadhari in Malaysia. ASIAN SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL (ASWJ), 5 (2). ISSN 0128-1577

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The relationship of positive thinking and forgiving behaviour in student’s friendship. AJIS: ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The social support and assertive behaviour of students. PSIKOISLAMIKA JURNAL PSIKOLOGI DAN PSIKOLOGI ISLAM, 17 (1). ISSN 2655-5034

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) Adobe flash development using interaction treatment aptitude to improve the reasoning of kinetic theory of gas and thermodynamic materials. YOUNG SCHOLAR SYMPOSIUM ON SCIENCE EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT.

Fahmi, Reza (2019) Analisis efektivitas penyaluran beras sejahtera (RASTRA) di kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh Besar. JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA PERTANIAN UNSYIAH, 4 (4). ISSN 2614-6053

Fahmi, Reza (2019) Hubungan kebersyukuran dengan perilaku prososial pada mahasiswa. AL-QALB JURNAL PSIKOLOGI ISLAM, 17 (1). ISSN 2085-8647

Fahmi, Reza (2019) Implementasi peraturan Walikota Medan Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 tentang pajak restoran di Kota Medan (studi kasus di Badan Pengelolah Pajak dan destribusi Daerah Kota Medan). JURNAL ILMU PEMERINTAHAB, ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK DAN ILMU KOMUNIKASI (JIPIKOM), 1 (2). ISSN 2550-1305

Fahmi, Reza (2019) Islam Nusantara: prejudice and social conflict. JURNAL HUNAFA: STUDIA ISLAMIKA, 16 (2). ISSN 2355-7710

Fahmi, Reza (2019) Karakteristik alterasi dan mineralisasi emas pada zona oksidasi di daerah Pangapit, Kabupaten Sambas, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. BULETIN SUMBER DAYA GEOLOGI, 14 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) Migration poverty and slavery of human being (study in psychology perspective). PROCEEDING: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC STUDIES (ICIS) IAIN PONOROGO.

Fahmi, Reza (2019) Re-thinking of women prostitution, problem of gender perspective. JURNAL AL-AQIDAH, 11 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) Social media and family divorce. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM AND GLOBAL ISSUES. ISSN 978-623-93609-0-2

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) The paradoxical perception of religious leaders and community members about islam nusantara. WALISONGO: JURNAL PENELITIAN SOSIAL KEAGAMAAN, 27 (2).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2018) Moderation of Islam in Islamic Boarding School (study at Gontor Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNIVERSITY-COMMUNITY ENGANGEMENT, 3 (1). ISSN 2655-6987

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2018) Paradigm changes of Pesantren: community based Islamic scholar perception about post-modernism Pesantren based on android. ASIAN SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL (ASWI), 3 (5).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2018) Paradigm changes of pesantren: community and Islamic scholar perception about post-modernism pesantren based on android. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, ISLAMIC STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH.

Fahmi, Reza (2018) Pelelangan objek jaminan murabahah pada bank syariah andiri cabang Banda Aceh melalui kantor pelelangan kekayaan negara dan lelang dalam perspektif Bai’ Al- Muzayyadah. JURNAL KAJIAN ILMU HUKUM DAN SYARIAH, 3 (1). ISSN 2549-8274

Fahmi, Reza (2018) Pembiayaan permodalan ideal dalam mengatasi praktik rentenir. JEBI (JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM), 3 (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2018) The descriptive study about personality character and self-fulfillment of students in islamic boarding school. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON EDUCATION, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (ICESST).

Fahmi, Reza (2018) The implementation of integration on knowledge: Islam-Psychology. SİYASET, EKONOMİ ve YÖNETİM ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ, 6 (1). ISSN 2147-7035

Fahmi, Reza (2017) Comparison study on teachers’ work motivation at Taman Pembacaan Al-Qur’an (TPQ). ISLAM REALITAS: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC AND SOCIAL CTUDIES, 3 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2017) Correlation study about cultural-Islamic diversity and nationalism of students. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIES. ISSN 978-605-67821-4-5

Fahmi, Reza (2017) Pengaruh pembelajaran kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha mahasiswa. JENI (JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM, 2 (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2017) Profil pemustaka layanan perpustakaan fakultas ushuluddin IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. JURNAL IMAM BONJOL: KAJIAN ILMU INFORMASI DAN PERPUSTAKAAN, I (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2017) Tracer study pada perguruan tinggi ilmu ke-islaman. MAQDIS: JURNAL KAJIAN EKONOMI ISLAM, 2 (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2017) The psychological effect of the ASEAN economic community (AEC) towards human resources development. MAQDIS: JURNAL KAJIAN EKONOMI ISLAM, 2 (2).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2017) The small-medium industry and self-fulfillment Gontor Darul Ma’rifat students Islamic boarding school in Kediri. JEBI (JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM), 2 (2).

Fahmi, Reza (2016) Implementasi model pembelajaran kecakapan hidup (life skills) dalam mengembangkan kemandirian dan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Modern Gontor 3 Darul Ma’rifat Kediri, Jawa-Timur. Doctoral thesis, UIN IMAM BONJOL PADANG.

Fahmi, Reza (2016) Sikap aparatur sipil negara tentang kebijakan pension dini dan dampak psikologisnya. TURAST: JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN, 4 (2).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2016) Studi deskriptif tentang alih status Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) menjadi Univeritas Islam Negeri (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang. TADRIS: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 11 (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2016) The challenge of pesantren towards global turbulence islamic fundamentalist and nationalism: study at Darul Ma’rifat Islamic Boarding School Kediri-East Java. ISLAM REALITAS: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIES, 2 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2016) The new paradigm on the islamization of science: islam as knowledge and belief. AR-RANIRY: INTERNATIONAL JPURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES, 3 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2015) Al-Qur’an and human mind: the facts of science development. WALISONGO, 23 (2).

Fahmi, Reza (2015) Building harmony and peace through religious education: social prejudice and rebeliance behaviour of students in modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor Darussalam, East Java. TURAST: JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN (E-JOURNAL, 2 (2). (In Press)

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2015) Man’s without power: gender paradigm in West Sumatera. ACADEMIA.

Fahmi, Reza (2015) Pengaruh pendidikan politik dan kinerja partai politik terhadap sikap apatis pemilih dalam pemilu 2014. AL-AQIDAH.

Fahmi, Reza (2015) Social prejudice and rebeliance behaviour of students in modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor Darussalam, East Java. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIGRATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJMRD), 1 (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2015) Social prejudice rebeliance behaviour of students in Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor Darussalam East Java. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIGRATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJMRD), I (1).

Fahmi, Reza (2014) Peran mahasiswa psikologi islam dalam penanggulangan trauma pasca gempa. TURAST: JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN, 2 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2014) The paradox of islam and culture (tradition and belief abot gender perspective in West Sumatra). AL-TURAS, XX (2).

Fahmi, Reza (2013) Kekuatan laki-laki “di bawah ketiak perempuan”: membangun perspektif gender di Sumatera Barat. JURNAL ILMIAH KAJIAN GENDER.

Fahmi, Reza (2013) The correlation between character building and peaceful thinking of students. MATARAM AICIS.

Fahmi, Reza (2012) Pengaruh pembelajaran kewirausahaan terhadap motivasi berwirausaha. SHARE, 1 (2).

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