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Items where Author is "Aswirna, Prima"

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Number of items: 48.


Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) Implementation of STEM e-module with SDGs principle to improve science literacy and environment-friendly attitudes in terms of gender. JURNAL TADRIS KIMIYA, 7 (1). ISSN 2527-9637

Aswirna, Prima (2022) Pengembangan e-modul berbasis etno-STEM berbantuan canva terintegrasi gordang sambilan terhadap keterampilan komunikasi peserta didik. JURNAL CERDAS MAHASISWA.

Aswirna, Prima (2022) Pengembangan e-modul fisika berbasis STEM dengan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan terhadap literasi SAINS siswa kelas XI. JURNAL CERDAS MAHASISWA.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) Pengembangan e-modul fisika berbasis model trait treatment interaction terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis. NATURAL SCIENCE: JURNAL PENELITIAN BIDANG IPA DAN PENDIDIKAN IPA, 8 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) STEM-based e-module integrated local wisdom of rice stem fertilizers on students’ critical and creative thinking. AL-TA’LIM JOURNAL, 29 (1). ISSN 2355-7893

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) STEM-based global warming e-book in sustainable development based on gender view. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 5 (2). ISSN 2615-8639

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2022) Students perception on the issue of contemporary civilization. ANNUAL CONFERENCE FOR MUSLIM SCHOLARS.

Aswirna, Prima (2021) Collaborative skills of prospective teachers in laboratory activities related to the concept of elasticity. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES.

Aswirna, Prima (2021) Development of assessment instruments assisted by iSpring quizmaker to measure students’ conceptual understanding. JURNAL INOVASI PENDIDIKAN IPA, 7 (2). ISSN 2477-4820

Aswirna, Prima (2021) Pengembangan asesmen higher order thinking skills (HOTS) berbantuan aplikasi lectora inspire terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif peserta didik. JURNAL CERDAS MAHASISWA.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2021) Pengembangan e-learning berbaris inquiry terbimbing berbantuan aplikasi Edmodo terhadap keterampilan abad-21 peserta didik. NATURAL SCIENCE: JURNAL PENELITIAN BIDANG IPA DAN PENDIDIKAN IPA, 7 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2021) The effect of students’ perception on educational tourism and self-fulfilment. CENDEKIA: JURNAL KEPENDIDIKAN DAN KEMASYARAKATAN, 19 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2021) The self-efficacy and stress symptoms in schools. DAYAH: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, 4 (1).

Aswirna, Prima (2020) Analisis penggunaan model reciprocal teaching berbasis HOTS terhadap kemampuan berfikir kritis peserta didik pada materi IPA Sekolah Dasar. TARBIYAH AL-AWLAD: JURNAL KEPENDIDIKAN ISLAM TINGKAT DASAR, x (2).

Aswirna, Prima (2020) Developing physics e-module using “construct 2” to support students’ independent learning skills. THABIEA: JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCE TEACHING, 3 (2). ISSN 2580-8474

Aswirna, Prima (2020) Development of discovery learning – based e-book teaching based on kvisoft flipbook maker on science literation in MAN 2 Padang Pariaman. JURNAL HUNAFA: STUDI ISLAMIKA, 17 (2). ISSN 2055-7710

Aswirna, Prima (2020) Development of interactive module based on trait treatment interaction (TTI) using adobe flash on critical thinking skills of students. RED WHITE PRESS, 6.

Aswirna, Prima (2020) Implementasi pengintegrasian keislaman dalam pengenalan konsep matematika anak usia dini. MATH EDUCA JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA, 4 (1). ISSN 2598-2133

Aswirna, Prima (2020) Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis aplikasi adobe flash pada materi kalor, perpindahan kalor serta teri kinetik gas untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa. NATURAL SCIENCE: JURNAL PENELITIAN BIDANG IPA DAN PENDIDIKAN IPA, 6 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The correlation study about prejudice and social conflicts on Islam Nusantara in Padang. JURNAL ILMIAH ISLAM FUTURA, 2 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The relationship between perception and social conflict in society: Islam Hadhari in Malaysia. ASIAN SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL (ASWJ), 5 (2). ISSN 0128-1577

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The relationship of positive thinking and forgiving behaviour in student’s friendship. AJIS: ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2020) The social support and assertive behaviour of students. PSIKOISLAMIKA JURNAL PSIKOLOGI DAN PSIKOLOGI ISLAM, 17 (1). ISSN 2655-5034

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) Adobe flash development using interaction treatment aptitude to improve the reasoning of kinetic theory of gas and thermodynamic materials. YOUNG SCHOLAR SYMPOSIUM ON SCIENCE EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) Migration poverty and slavery of human being (study in psychology perspective). PROCEEDING: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC STUDIES (ICIS) IAIN PONOROGO.

Aswirna, Prima (2019) Pengaruh modelling the way terhadap hasil belajar sains peserta didik. TARBIYAH AL-AWLAD: JURNAL KEPENDIDIKAN ISLAM TINGKAT DASAR, IX (2).

Aswirna, Prima (2019) Pengembangan media pembelajaran fisika menggunakan corel video studio pro X7 pada materi teori kinetic gas. NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 5 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) Social media and family divorce. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM AND GLOBAL ISSUES. ISSN 978-623-93609-0-2

Aswirna, Prima (2019) Validitas perangkat pembelajaran e-learning berbasis Edmodo pada mata kuliah aljabar linear. MATH EDUCA JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA, 8 (1). ISSN 2598-2133/ 3 No. 2

Aswirna, Prima (2019) The android-based learning media using the trait treatment interaction model as implementation of industrial era 4.0. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2019) The paradoxical perception of religious leaders and community members about islam nusantara. WALISONGO: JURNAL PENELITIAN SOSIAL KEAGAMAAN, 27 (2).

Aswirna, Prima (2018) Application of treatment trait interaction to improve learning of chemistry. SHS WEB OF CONFERENCES.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2018) Moderation of Islam in Islamic Boarding School (study at Gontor Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNIVERSITY-COMMUNITY ENGANGEMENT, 3 (1). ISSN 2655-6987

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2018) Paradigm changes of Pesantren: community based Islamic scholar perception about post-modernism Pesantren based on android. ASIAN SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL (ASWI), 3 (5).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2018) Paradigm changes of pesantren: community and Islamic scholar perception about post-modernism pesantren based on android. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, ISLAMIC STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH.

Aswirna, Prima (2018) Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick terhadap pmahaman konsep fisika siswa di MTsN Piladang Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 4 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2017) Correlation study about cultural-Islamic diversity and nationalism of students. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIES. ISSN 978-605-67821-4-5

Aswirna, Prima (2017) Interconnection science and Islam: religiosity and master control chemical content. PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN TECHNOLOGY, 8 (1). ISSN 2580-7099

Aswirna, Prima (2017) Penerapan model pembelajaran advance organizer terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi IPA fisika kelas VIII di SMPN 02 Sintuk Toboh Gadang, Padang Pariaman. NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3 (2). ISSN 2477-6181

Aswirna, Prima (2017) Pengembangan komik fisika sebagai media pembelajaran fisika di kelas VIII MTsN 1 Lubuk Basung. NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3 (1). ISSN 2477-6181

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2017) The small-medium industry and self-fulfillment Gontor Darul Ma’rifat students Islamic boarding school in Kediri. JEBI (JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM), 2 (2).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2016) Studi deskriptif tentang alih status Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) menjadi Univeritas Islam Negeri (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang. TADRIS: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 11 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2016) The new paradigm on the islamization of science: islam as knowledge and belief. AR-RANIRY: INTERNATIONAL JPURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES, 3 (1).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2015) Al-Qur’an and human mind: the facts of science development. WALISONGO, 23 (2).

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2015) Man’s without power: gender paradigm in West Sumatera. ACADEMIA.

Fahmi, Reza and Aswirna, Prima (2014) The paradox of islam and culture (tradition and belief abot gender perspective in West Sumatra). AL-TURAS, XX (2).

Aswirna, Prima (2013) Small and medium industry for sustaining madrasah in global change (study at Darul Ma’rifat Modern Islamic Boarding School in East Java). JOURNAL AL-TA’LIM, I (6).

Aswirna, Prima (2012) Peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran kimia dengan penerapan cooperative learning model jigsaw pada kelas X IPA 3 di SMA Negeri 1 Padang. JURNAL AL-TA’LIM, I (2).

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