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Guerilla marketing: taktik perpustakaan untuk eksis dalam menghadapi generasi milenial

Fakhlina, Resty Jayanti (2018) Guerilla marketing: taktik perpustakaan untuk eksis dalam menghadapi generasi milenial. SHAUT AL-MAKTABAH JURNAL PERPUSTAKAAN, ARSIP DAN DOKUMENTASI, 10 (2). ISSN 2614-3801

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The big challenge facing the library to be known by the millennial generation is the rapid development
of information and communication technology. This rapid development makes the millennial generation
very easy to obtain information, regardless of the information are fact or hoaxes. This makes the
millennial generation lazy to use library facilities because they think, all the information they need can
be obtained through the internet. However, using the internet without knowledge can lead to false
information. Therefore, they must utilize the services provided by the library to obtain information that
is correct and in accordance with their needs. In order for the millennial generation to know about the
existence of libraries, special marketing tactics like Guerilla Marketing are needed to attract their
interest in utilizing library services.
Keyword: Marketing Library; Guerilla Marketing; and Millennial Generation

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Pendidikan > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Zulfitri Pustakawan
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2022 04:46
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2022 04:46

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