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Items where Author is "Huda, Yasrul"
Huda, Yasrul (2023) Hasil Pengecekan Similarity Artikel Yasrul Huda. Juris.
Huda, Yasrul (2023) Korespondensi Artikel Yasrul Huda. Juris.
Wimra, Zelfeni and Huda, Yasrul and Bunaiya, Mahlil and Hakimi, Abdul Rahim (2023) The Living Fiqh: Anatomy, Philosophical Formulation, and Scope of Study. Juris: Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah, 22 (1). ISSN 1412-6109
Huda, Yasrul and Burhanuddin, Jajat and Kooria, Mahmood (2023) Strengthening the Shafi‘i Madhhab: Malay Kitab Jawi of Fiqh in the 19th Century. Juris: Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah, 22 (2). ISSN 1412-6109
Huda, Yasrul (2022) Buya, spiritual sharisma and political contention in West Sumatera. ISLAM REALITAS: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIES, 8 (2).
Huda, Yasrul (2020) Islamic Sharia in Aceh and its implications in other regions in Indonesia: case study during implementation Aceh as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. PETITA: JURNAL KAJIAN ILMU HUKUM DAN SYARIAH, 5 (2). ISSN 2549-8274
Huda, Yasrul (2013) Contesting Sharia: state law, decentralization and minangkabau custom. LEIDEN UNIVERSITY.
Huda, Yasrul (2012) Zakat institution under the government: political interest, charity and resistance. EL-QIST: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS (JIEB), 02 (02). ISSN 2252-7907
Huda, Yasrul (2008) Islamic law versus adat: debate about inheritance law and the rise of capitalism in Minangkabau. STUDIA ISLAMIKA: INDONESIAN JOURNAL FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES, 15 (2). ISSN 0215-0492
Huda, Yasrul (2006) Al-Shari’a al-islamiyya fi ‘asr al-‘amrikaziyya al-iqlimiyya bi Indunisiyya. STUDIA ISLAMIKA: INDONESIAN JOURNAL FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES, 13 (3). ISSN 0215-0492